We are happy to accept volunteers, but since we need to invest in training volunteers, we ask potential volunteers to commit to at least fourteen days of work, and to be prepared to carry out work involving physical effort or office work (such as labeling pottery sherds). Volunteers at the site receive three days of training, which enable them to accompany groups and check the sifting results of visitors.

We do not provide transport or meals for volunteers, who are asked to make their own way to the site and to bring their lunch.

Please arrange voluntary work in advance, by calling us on +972-2-566-7067 during work hours, or by email: contact@tmsifting.org.

Volunteers who would like to volunteer at our lab are may apply by sending their resume/CV to: contact@tmsifting.org. We will make contact with you if you meet the necessary requirements.

We are currently looking for help in the following areas: counting artifacts and data entry, studio photography, graphical editing and programming in ACCESS and SAS.

Archaeological students interested in helping out voluntarily as research assistants are likewise welcome to send us their resume.

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