

神殿の丘発掘プロジェクトへの参加は 2 時間のプログラムで、入門的な講義とふるい分けのガイダンス、ふるい分け自体、ガイドがグループによって回収された発見物の重要性を説明する要約が含まれます。ふるいにかけられた各バケツには、神殿の丘のすべての歴史的時代からの遺物が含まれています。


熱波の間でも、この場所は快適な気候です。Mitspeh HaMasu’ot (ミツペ ハマスオット)はエルサレムで最も高い場所にあるため、そよ風が心地よく吹き込んでくれます。


重要注意事項: 神殿の丘発掘プロジェクトは移動し、ズリム バレー国立公園の以前の施設ではなくなりました。この施設は、他の場所 (神殿の丘ではない) からの土の考古学的なふるい分け施設として引き続き機能しています。



このサイトは時間帯によって(金曜日を含む)開きますが、35 名以上のグループ参加者の場合予約インターフェイスに表示されません。

グループ訪問を調整するには、booking@tmsifting.org までお問い合わせいただくか、02-5665491 までお電話ください。

Sunday -Thursday

₪35 sifting activity for adults (aged 16 and above).

₪20 sifting activity for children aged 7-15.

₪2 children under age 7.

Fridays and Holidays

₪40 sifting activity for adults (aged 16 and above).

₪30 sifting activity for children aged 7-15.

₪2 children under age 7.

The sifting site is located in Mitzpeh HaMasuot, on Martin Buber St on the junction with Yizhaq haNadiv St (above the tunnel to Maaleh Adumim) , Jerusalem (google maps link). If you are experiencing difficulty in reaching the site, call the staff on 02-566-5491 (from a non-local telephone: +972-2-566-5491).

By public transport:

The site is a short walking distance from the following bus stops:

“Mount Scopus Terminal/Martin Buber, on buses 17, 19, 19A, 30, 34, 34A, 42, 48A, 53, 68

“Har HaTsofim Tunnel/Martin Buber”, on bus 84

By car:

Directions to parking lots in the vicinity of the sifting site:

Paid parking – in the Hebrew University parking lot, at the end of Binyamin Mazar St. (google maps link / waze link) – to pay you will need the cellopark application on your mobile phone. After parking, cross the street in the direction of the sifting site which is surrounded by a fence of metal poles. A brown sign points to the site.

Free parking – in Hadassah Lampel St. (google maps link / waze link). Park at the beginning of the street, then return by foot to the start of the street, turn right and right again towards the sifting site entrance. N.B. do not walk in the direction of the Emek Zurim national park.

Please note – you cannot drive in the reverse direction directly back from the sifting site itself to Hadassah Lampel St.

Map - directions to the sifting site

For groups who wish to receive an enriched activity and a guided tour, we can provide the following programs:

  • A tour of nearby sites including: the Augusta Victoria lookout tower, the Yehudai Lookout and the Mount Scopus botanical garden, including the Cave of Nicanor.
  • An in-depth presentation covering the history and archaeology of the Temple Mount, including key artifacts recovered by the sifting project.
  • A full day walking tour highlighting the archaeology of the Temple Mount, including: A comprehensive archaeological tour of the Temple Mount*, the royal compound at the Ophel dated to the First Temple Period and the Jerusalem Trail (including the monumental tombs of the Kidron Valley, the Valley of the Kings and the Emek Tzurim National Park, ending at the sifting site at the Masu’ot Lookout). At the sifting site the group will receive an in-depth presentation on the Temple Mount Sifting Project and its finds, together with participation in the sifting activity.

*For those preferring not to enter the Temple Mount we offer an alternative tour including a walk around the Temple Mount’s walls and the Davidson Center.

For additional information regarding these programs please contact us at booking@tmsifting.org or +972-2-5665491

Mitzpeh HaMasu‘otミツペ ハマスオット(マスオット展望台)


このサイトは、エルサレムとユダヤ砂漠を隔てる山脈の頂上に位置し、街の壮大なパノラマ ビューを提供します。第二神殿時代に、新しいヘブライ月の誕生を告げる最初のビーコン (Masu’ah-マスア) がこの地域で灯されました。

便利なピクニック テーブルとバスルーム設備を備えたこの場所は、この地域を探索する観光客によく利用されます。サイトの講堂の建物には、絵画の展示と、発掘プロジェクトで発見されたいくつかの神殿の丘遺物の展示もあります。

その他、近くのアトラクションには、エルサレムとユダヤ砂漠の壮大な景色を提供するオーガスタ ビクトリア教会病院の展望台 (午後 1 時まで営業)、ヘブライ大学マウント スコパス キャンパスにある美しい植物園などがあります。神殿に門を寄贈したことで有名なニカノールの墓、ユダヤ砂漠に面したイェフダイ展望台などがあります。ミツペ ハマスオットは、エルサレム トレイルの出発点でもあります。


As Tour Hosts to Israel, the Temple Mount Sifting Project is a marvelous experience for our travelers!  The “hands-on experience,” while sifting through history is always a highlight for participants.  This new location provides a great view of Jerusalem and the staff are knowledgeable and helpful in broadening our understanding of the work of archeologists while helping to preserve history.  Every bucket sifted is filled with potential and the anticipation of what will be found is exciting for each participant.  We highly recommend this opportunity for all!

The Temple Mount Sifting Project was an extraordinary experience. It was a wonderful addition to our tour of Israel and it also was a way for me (us) to be a part of the history of the country. Each of us learned the importance of uncovering possible ruins and antiquities and I was delighted at how much fun it was for all. Everyone really “dug in” and got so excited as they uncovered even the smallest of finds. Time flew by too quickly. It was interesting, fun, a huge learning experience, and a wonderful way to give back to the Temple Mount. Thanks so much to the terrific leaders of the TMSP. They inspired us!

Participating in the Temple Mount Sifting Project was an exciting way to experience the work of an archeologist while helping find artifacts which continue to shape our understanding of the history of Israel. Plus, it was a lot of fun imagining what each piece of clay pottery or mosaic tile would have been a part of.

When I found out we would have the opportunity to take part in this I was incredibly excited. The fact that we were searching through piles of history that were removed from the Temple Mount was surreal. Each find we made was exciting, whether small or large. It brought history to life for me, and I could easily have spent so much more time there! The staff were great – friendly with a wealth of information.

On a recent trip to Israel, we had the pleasure of participating in the newly revived Temple Mount Sifting project.  After watching an informative introductory video, we were led to a comfortably shaded area (hard to find in the hot Jerusalem summer!). The staff archeologist (Yoav) and his on-site staff then showed us how to sift out the treasures from the rubble.  Our little group of three found some fascinating little items like a fish bone, a nail, a piece of mosaic, a piece of Ottoman pipe and copious amounts of pottery pieces.  We also learned how to discard pretty, but archeologically speaking useless rocks and how to recognize modern cement.  The other teams from our tour group and the young families with children at other stations near by seemed to having just as much fun.  Someone even found an ancient coin.  Before we left, Yoav debriefed the group on the significance of some of the finds.  For them the hard work of cataloguing is just beginning. For us it was fun, educational and very relaxing.  A great way to spend an hour or two or even a whole summer.

I was very impressed with the Temple Mount sifting project & would recommend it to other groups . We had knowledgeable people informing us about the project and a geologist on site that could identify what era particles came. It was well organized and novices & children could participate. As we washed& sifted through our bucket of rubble we had help in identifying pottery, Mother of Pearl to ancient coins. The valuable things were sorted & sent to the University for further identification

My family loves this activity! We’ve done this 3 times over the past few years. Thank you for having us again Yuval, Esther, Lev and team!

One of our favorite family activities in Jerusalem. Great group of people. Great cause. Great learning experience for the kids. The adults have a blast, too!


詳細については、booking@tmsifting.org までお問い合わせください。

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