The Temple Mount Sifting Project was created in order to save as many ancient artifacts as possible from thousands of tons of this debris and to conduct archaeological research on the finds in order to cast more light on the history of the Temple Mount: a place of significance to billions of people throughout the world. Anything that happens on the Temple Mount resonates throughout the world Jerusalem is the most excavated city in the world, but no systematic archaeological excavation has ever taken place on the Temple Mount The Sifting Project is as close as anyone has ever come to excavating the Temple Mount itself. Our Finds Casting New Light on this Universally Significant and Hallowed Site Over 200,000 volunteers from all facets of society, both Israelis and foreigners, have taken part in sifting earth from the Temple Mount. This tedious task could not have been done without the help of a large number of people. This phenomenon of such a large number of participants has no precedent in the history of archaeological research. For your servants have cherished her stones, and have redeemed her dust (psalms 102: 14-15) The Dirt of the Temple Mount is in Your Hands. Join the Sifting.

The Sifting Project in Numbers


years of sifting


out of 5,210 tons of dirt sifted so far.


people participated in the sifting


uncovered artifacts waiting to be published in archaeological reports

Recent News

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The Sifting Site Faces Closure After Hanukkah

Over the past year, as the State of Israel has been engaged in a war that many have described as existential, each day has brought new casualties among our soldiers, and hundreds of our brothers and sisters remain in captivity in Hamas' dungeons.…
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Milestone Achievement in Our Research: Quantitative Analysis of First Temple Period Pottery

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9r0pl9iZgU Last Thursday, we reached a significant milestone in our research and publication process. At the annual New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Region conference, organized by the…

A Rare Temple Mount Coin Featuring the Portrait of the Emperor Who Repealed the Harsh Decrees Against Jews After Tisha B’Av 135 CE

On the Ninth of Av it was decreed upon our ancestors that they would not enter the Land [of Israel]; and the Temple was destroyed the first time, and the second time; and Beitar was captured; and the city [of Jerusalem] was plowed. (Ta'anit…

The History of the Temple Mount in 12 Objects

Find of the Month

Doric column capital found in the sifting
Nicole Perez with her find
Murex seashell found in the sifting
Figurine fragment or Naya Korshaya
Dome of the Rock on Mother-of-Pearl Inlay
pearl bead and square mother of pearl inlay both found on the same day

Team Spotlight

Uriel Prince
Gabi with the holocaust torah scroll
Zachi sifting with young volunteers
Hannah Ripps and Renata Roitman
Jennifer with mosaic stones in a bucket
Hillel holding a cake decorated with ancient Hebrew writing


Special finds from the TMSP
Mycenean painted potttery sherd
Solomons-Stables - copyright IsraelImages.com
Seal impressions
Evidence from artifacts from the Temple Mount
enigmatic ball-shaped find
handle with seal impression
assorted beads in a row
Map of the Temple Mount grounds
Crusader geometric floor patterns
Frankie lecturing on her Opus Sectile reconstructions
statistical distribution table of vegetables
Analysing statistical data from the sifting artifacts
Opus sectile marble slab sections

Video Tour to the Temple Mount

Videos from the Temple Mount Sifting Project