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Marvelous Opening Day

Elkin sifts the first bucket

Well, it’s been a week since our grand (re)opening and we’re still catching our breath.

The preparations were hectic, but boy, was it worth it! We would like to thank to everyone who came to show their support, as well as those who couldn’t make it and send their well-wishes from afar. Here’s a shout out to all those who attended the opening ceremony, including speakers Shur Antebi, Shlomo Zwickler, MK Yoaz Hendel, Min. Zeev Elkin, and our very own Dr. Barkay and Zachi Dvira; To all the people that got a chance to be one of the first to sift through a bucket at the new sifting installation (did you find anything exciting? share in the comments below!); to everyone that took part in the exhibit – both those that worked countless hours to put it together, and all those who came to see the fruits of our labor – you make it all worthwhile.

Min. Elkin sifting the inaugural bucket

We are Sorry to say that the exhibit was strictly a one-day event, but stay tuned for future announcements as our little museum moves into virtual space, where you’ll be able to visit anytime and view all the artifacts up close, and maybe put in your two cents about some of our more puzzling finds (read about them in the pre-exhibit article). The exhibit held a plethora of exhilarating finds from all ages, including our signature piece – the Immer bulla. But we must apologize to those who were looking for it during the few hours it was removed from the exhibit; we do have a good excuse, though – after his speach, Min. Elkin headed to the special Jerusalem Day Cabinet meeting, and he requested the bulla be brought to showcase the ancient Jewish connections to Jerusalem.

And lastly, we’d like to thank the members of the press who were in attendance, and wrote a few nice pieces on the event and the project. Go ahead and click the links – the articles are worth the read!

Visit our Facebook page for more experiences from the grand opening, and check out this video on our YouTube page for first-hand experience of the day’s events!

PM Netanyahu examining the Immer bulla

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