The earth of the sifting project has created two Humans (ADAMS)

Yael and Shmuel engagement photo

In Judaism, a person is considered complete  only after marriage. For this reason, one of the  seven blessings recited at  the wedding and  the week after is:

Blessed are You Lord our God Ruler of the World, Creator of Humans.
ברוך אתה ה אלקינו מלך העולם יוצר האדם.

There is a Jewish tradition that  the earth God used to create Adam was taken from the Temple Mount. Well, so far, this earth has already succeeding in bringing together two couples!!!
The first couple to marry is  Yael Stone and Shmuel Kadoshi. Yael and Shmuel are both staff members  at the project. Shmuel has been working with us for over  a year, and Yael joined us recently. They fell in love immediately.
Some Jewish communities have a tradition where the groom dabs ashes on his forehead at his wedding. The ashes are applied just before breaking the glass and reciting the following verse:

If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget her skill.

The ashes are meant to serve as a reminder of the destruction of the Temple  The  soil from the Temple Mount is characterized  by its fine, grayish and dusty texture. This texture is  due to the large amount of ashes the soil contains, remnants of  the destructions of the First and Second Temples. The level of ashes  have colored all the layers of soil that preceded the destructions. and are found all over Jerusalem . Since the beginning of the Sifting Project many couples have chosen to use   earth from the Temple Mount to practice  this tradition, something that Shmuel and Yael  chose to do as well.
The second couple that  were  joined together by the earth from  the Temple Mount  are Tzila Reizmovitz and Eran Yaakobi. They were engaged two weeks after Yael and Shmuel and  married two weeks ago. Tzila has been working with us since the beggeningof the Project as a registrar. She is considered one of the  pillars of the project. Eran has been  with us for a year and half , and has become the deputy to  Asaf Avraham, the site manager. It took them some time to finally decide to get together, maybe  because Tzila’s job doesn’t give her a chance to touch the earth  very much.
Jewish tradition relates marriage as rebuilding one of the ruins of Jerusalem. May these two new houses be accompanied with these words from Lecha Dodi:

Temple of the King, Royal City. Arise! Leave from the ruins of the turmoil.

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  1. Efraim Mescheloff
    Efraim Mescheloff says:

    Those who share a mutual interest in highly valuable activities, wil undoubtedly be well suited to each other.
    May both couples know only happiness and blessing in their wedded lives. May they merit seeing their children and their children’s children playing in the streets of rebuilt Jerusalem.


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