Name That Find: Answer!

enigmatic ball-shaped find

Last week, we asked all of our followers on the blog, on Facebook, and Twitter to Name That Find! We got a lot of really great and creative answers, but we managed to stump everyone (including some of our own staff members)!


Thank you all for playing along and being such good sports. I got our expert, Dr. Aaron Greener to give you the real answer to the riddle! It’s the nose of a horse figurine!

Here’s a picture from the side. I found this picture in our database. I don’t know who took this picture, but I love them for making it look like the horse is eating a piece of cardboard. It is my new favorite picture.


When we caught up with Aaron, I got him to talk more about this artifact and the others that he has been researching. He presents his research at the upcoming conference at Bar Ilan University in January.


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  1. Lindsay
    Lindsay says:

    I am donating 250.00 US to TMS by check through the US Tax deductible form – NIki Friedman. Am I able to claim any of the things listed a while back on Facebook? The book, t shirt, and silver coated coin?

    I volunteered there 6 years ago with Gordon Franz. It was a life changing experience. With all going on in the world, such as BDS, the UN sanctions, and Kerry’s speech today, your work is more important than ever.

    Praying for all of you. Lindsay Ingalls, NC, USA

    Sent from my iPad

    • Jennifer Greene
      Jennifer Greene says:

      For sure! Thank you so much for your support! $250 qualifies you to receive a replica half-shekel coin and to be “a friend” with access to special lectures, events, and breaking news about the sifting project before the newspapers. You also get a voucher to attend our upcoming webinar.
      Go to and click on the gift you want. You can add value in the form. Then just check the tax-deductible button and you won’t be asked for credit card information but you’ll be in the gift-list.
      Again, thank you so much! We can’t continue our research without the help of amazing donors like you and your support means so much to all of us staff in the lab.


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