Special Finds Exhibit – and the Future of the Sifting

Flier for sifting exhibition

For those who haven’t read our previous announcements, and for those who haven’t yet heard, we’re resuming the sifting activity in a new site, which will be inaugurated on the coming Jerusalem Day. On this day, the public is invited to come and sift free-of-charge, and we’re holding a one-off exhibition of special and enigmatic artifacts found in the sifting (see flier below). The sifting activity requires advance registration (more details here).

During the past two years, the project has concentrated on research work in the laboratory, working towards scientific publication of the finds, and the sifting of the remaining soil was put on hold. However, we saw that the remaining soil heaps were in danger of erosion and of mixing with illegal refuse dumps in their current location, and we realized that we can no longer wait, and we have to resume the sifting at once. However, in order to keep the sifting going during it first year of operation, we need a significant amount of donations. Sadly, the government’s promises of funding have not yet been realized, and we are still dependent on public support.

We are inviting you to take a part in the re-establishment of the sifting facility, in a new site, which will enable the project to continue the rescue of artifacts from the heart of our heritage, their research and publication, and to make them accessible to the public. You can donate to the project via our crowdfunding site and receive in return great perks such as: replicas of special artifacts found in the sifting, and membership of Friend of the TMSP, which includes a one-year free entry pass for the family to the Temple Mount sifting activity.

We chose the half-shekel coin, found in the sifting, as the logo for our donations site, since this coin symbolizes the idea of a broad community cooperative effort subsidizing a monumental enterprise that otherwise could belong only to the very wealthy. Donations in the spirit of the half shekel enable each and every one to take part in the rescue and exposure of the legacy of the most important site in our people’s history. This responsibility is not limited to a small group of archaeologists. We are speaking here of immensely significant information, which has the potential of influencing the the Jewish, Christian and Muslim populations all over the world – half of mankind!

If each one who receives this post will make his personal effort and donate his “half-shekel”, the project’s efforts won’t need to be diverted to fund-raising, and the project will be able to finish within its projected timetable. 

We greatly appreciate your support. Please donate here today

(donations are recognized for tax-deduction in Israel, the US, Canada and the UK).

The Temple Mount Sifting Project Team


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