Tag Archive for: Finds

Find & Finder of the Month: A Three-Weeks Coin Found by Matanya Hacohen
Like the rest of the world, we are still struggling with realities imposed on us by COVID-19, but we have been able to resume semi-normal activities at the sifting site, and together with them we are happy to resume our Find of the Month posts!

Check Out Our New Virtual Exhibition
For all those who couldn't attend our exhibition that was displayed at the new sifting site’s grand opening last year, we've made a virtual exhibition available for you on our website.
The artifacts displayed are just glimpse of what was found…

KI10 Here We Come!
When we transported the piles of Temple Mount soil debris from their initial dumping sites, we hypothesized that the piles were not evenly and completely mixed, but rather were distributed like a lightly tossed salad, such that different piles…

Send Us Your Pictures
Hello everyone! Do you have pictures from your visit to the sifting site or the research lab? Cute pictures of your kids, awesome pictures of you holding what you found, great pictures of you smiling with Dr. Barkay? Well, we want them!