
Send Us Your Pictures

Hello everyone! Do you have pictures from your visit to the sifting site or the research lab? Cute pictures of your kids, awesome pictures of you holding what you found, great pictures of you smiling with Dr. Barkay? Well, we want them!

We want to put together a really cool piece of wall art for our research lab by using pictures of our special finds, and pictures of our volunteers and their special finds, and combining them into one mosaic picture like this one!

We have some pictures, but the more we have, the better and more accurate the final result will be. So pick your best (up to) 10 pictures of your sifting experience and send them to siftingpics@gmail.com by May 11th 2018.

Thank you all for spending time with us and making such great memories. We can’t wait to put them on display!


You’re welcome to post your favorites in the comments of this post in addition to sending them via email.

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