Tag Archive for: TMSP STORIES


A Real Estate Investment which is also a Donation

The following post is unusual in that it is not about archaeology, but about a touching story, Hebrew poetry and also an invitation to invest in real estate in Jerusalem with an amazing return, which is in effect a contribution to the Sifting…

‘Holy Work’

In Hebrew, we have a term called "Avodat Kodesh," which literally means 'Holy Work,' but actually refers to an unpleasant or tedious job done for a higher cause, one that very few are ready to take upon themselves. Occasionally, we at the TMSP…
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A Glimpse into the Difficulties of Conducting Archaeology in Jerusalem

Three weeks ago, we transferred more of the Temple Mount debris piles to our sifting site, which were buried in the upper terraces of Emek Tzurim. Unfortunately, we had to leave a lot of the soil behind to preserve the terraces and the trees. Here's…

Unity Around the Really Important Things – The Heritage of the Temple Mount

We find ourselves a few days before Rosh Hashanah, in these days of controversy among the people of Israel, when questions are being discussed like what kind of majority is needed to make essential and fundamental decisions.  At such a…
Saul and Sabina Primer

22 Years Later…

One of the most exciting things (some call them “finds”) in the sifting project are the people who come to sift, and the stories they bring with them. Here, for example, is the story of Saul and Sabina Primer from Kfar Saba, who visited…

The Educational Value of a Stolen Pot Handle

The last part of the sifting activity is the summary, where the archaeologist on duty picks out a selection of the most interesting artifacts the group has found and arranges them on a tray, gathers the member of the group together and…
Yael and Shmuel engagement photo

The earth of the sifting project has created two Humans (ADAMS)

In Judaism, a person is considered complete  only after marriage. For this reason, one of the  seven blessings recited at  the wedding and  the week after is: Blessed are You Lord our God Ruler of the World, Creator of…