Tag Archive for: UNESCO

Top 10 Topics from 5777
The Top 10 Topics YOU liked on our Facebook page. Finds, Videos, and More! Looking back on a great year.

Reaching Our Goal!
Shalom to all of our supporters,
We did it! Despite the difficulties and obstacles, we managed to exceed our first target and raise over NIS 250,000! Our deep and heartfelt thanks go out to the 889 backers who immediately came…

Temple Denial: The Reality
Gaby threatened with eviction from Temple Mount for saying "Temple Mount" and this is just the beginning of the Temple Denial trend. Read and share the truth.

Powerful Video about UNESCO and the Temple Denial Movement
It is important to respect the narratives of people today, but this needs to be in addition to, and not at the expense of, real history.

Archaeological Evidence of the Jewish Temples on the Temple Mount
Historical sources and selected artifacts given to show proof of the First and Second Jewish Temples on the Temple Mount. Jews and Christians have a real and documented relationship to the Temple Mount.