Major Damage to the Sifting Site from the Snow Storm

The sifting site in the snow

The latest snow storm in Israel has caused major destruction to the Sifting Project site. The greenhouse frame could not hold the weight of the snow that gathered above it and totally collapsed. Much of the equipment and infrastructure installations were destroyed. We have had some storms in the past that caused damage, but this one caused the worst destruction of them all. Our presentation wall, display table, many sifter screens, light and sound equipment, furniture, etc. were all crushed under the collapse of the greenhouse iron frame and the snow above it. It will take us some time until we will be able to restore the sifting site to its previous state.

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  1. Ed Petersen
    Ed Petersen says:

    I was sorry to see the damage the sifting site suffered due to the snow load from this major dump of snow you got this past week. In Canada we understand the danger of snow load and we can usually cope with it because we know snow will come during winter.. But this storm hit you from out of the blue.

    I worked there at the site for two weeks in October, 2013 and enjoyed the work, the staff, and the experience of being in Israel. I will come back as soon as I can arrange it. Righ now I see too needs you have.
    You need money and a plan to prevent such damage from happening again. A strong area for storage and flexible area for temperature control to keep it livable inside during the hot weather..

    I checked out the “How to contribute” section of this website. Where is the logo for Master Card and Visa donations? I would have filled out a donation form this morning had there been one of those card options offered. But I could not find one. .I suggest you set up such a simple donation system immediately and watch the money flow in. My donation will be one of the first as soon as you set up that system.

    Ed Petersen
    Calgary, Ab. Canada

    • TMSP
      TMSP says:

      Dear Ed,

      Thanks a lot for your concern. In the how to contribute page there is a link to a form at the City of David website. I’ve checked it right now and it works. Please try again. I’m working on having another form in this website.

      thanks for the support,

  2. Shoshana (Sue) Schein
    Shoshana (Sue) Schein says:

    Oh my goodness. This is shocking! Wish I was there to hep with the cleanup, at least. Is there a web site that accepts donations? Are you guys hooked in to Paypal? Especially, are you incorporated in the USA as a non-profit (501c3)? If so, I may be able to start a Giving for Good campaign for charitable donations for you guys. Or, Kickstarter. Shall I investigate? Shoshona, from Vermont.

    • TMSP
      TMSP says:

      Dear Shoshana,

      Thanks for your concern. See the link at the top about donations. There is information there about how to contribute small sums with Credit card.


  3. Ronald Kyrmse
    Ronald Kyrmse says:

    Very sorry to hear about this! But, since you have been salvaging artifacts from the last 2000 years or more, there oughtn’t be too much trouble in restoring your recent installations. Best luck to you!


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