
The New York Times Joins the Temple Denial Movement

New York Times heading - Historical Certainty Proves Elusive at Jerusalems Holiest Place

Unbelievable! Temple Denial agenda is taken seriously by the New York Times. Rick Gladstone published a stupid article interviewing serious archaeology scholars as if they really doubt that the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif) is the location where the biblical Jewish temples once stood. He mixes between not having enough evidence about the exact location of the Temple within the Temple Mount with the question whether the Temple Mount itself was the location of the Temple.
here’s a link to the article:

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  1. E benAbuya
    E benAbuya says:

    There are many things about which the New Yawk Times does not believe there is sufficient evidence for: gravity, winter. . .
    On the other hand they are absolutely convinced of the existence of the Toothfairyian Easterbunnyian Palestinians; and that there is a pony somewhere in the JCPOA.


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