
Recent Appearances in the Media and More Responses to NY Times Temple Denial Article

Haaretz heading - Uncovering Jerusalems History in the Rubble of Temple Mount

The 10th century BCE Seal and additional finds dating to this period have received wide coverage in the media. First the Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel and Ynet published the story, and it was then picked up by many other websites.

In particular was the Haaretz English Edition which chose to write an extensive article about the Sifting Project, and another very extensive article about the archaeological evidence locating the biblical Temples on the Temple Mount compound (Haram al-Sharif). Gabriel Barkay is widely quoted in this article along with the information about Sifting Project and our new crowdfunding video embedded.  The article is very detailed, but also has some errors and irrelevant information regarding the question put forth in the article. There is also much more evidence that was not covered in this article. We hope we will manage to find the time to write a better encompassing article regarding this issue. It will not be to prove the location of the Temple, but to elaborate and shed more light on what is so clear from diverse historical sources throughout all periods of the Temple Mount’s history.



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