Tag Archive for: second temple

Find and Finders of the Month — the Gross Family Found a Pierced Stone Vessel Fragment

During the last summer, we were overwhelmed by the number of visitors and archaeological work. We had hoped to catch up on missed posts during the winter, but then a war broke out… So, meet (slightly belatedly) the Gross family…
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A 2,000-year-old mysterious clay token

Could this ancient clay token have been used by pilgrims ascending to the Temple in Jerusalem during the Passover festival 2,000 years ago to receive sacrificial components? Discovered more than a decade ago by the Temple Mount Sifting Project,…

Find and Finders of the Month: André and Daniela Lopes Found a Piece of a Stone Vessel

When we heard about the Temple Mount Sifting Project months before we planned our trip to Israel, we made sure to plan our participation. Being able to have the experience of touching such ancient and sacred materials was a unique opportunity!…
Gabi and Zachi holding the special plaque

Mourning and Gratitude

The three weeks of mourning are in full swing and Tisha B’Av, the fast day dedicated to remembering the destruction of the Jewish Temples, is fast approaching. It is a time for reflection about what the Temples and the Temple Mount means…
Original maror leaves with First Temple pot rim overlay

A Day in the Life: Passover

Dear Diary, After a long trek, we finally made it to Jerusalem in time for Passover. There were streams of people on the roads and there is a festive feeling in the air. It is always an exciting time to come into Jerusalem. I can see the…
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Top 10 Topics from 5777

The Top 10 Topics YOU liked on our Facebook page. Finds, Videos, and More! Looking back on a great year.
Doric column capital found in the sifting

Find of the Month: The Doric Survivor – TMSP Staff

Doric survivor gives glimpse into Second Temple monumental architecture.
Murex seashell found in the sifting

Find of the Month: Aren’t You Dying To Know? – The Singer Family

Fantastic new find from the Temple Mount Sifting Project. #Findofthemonth
Herod's quilt

Inspiring Supporters

BAR reader makes quilt from Temple Mount floor patterns reconstructed by the Sifting Project
The Second Temple model at the Israel Museum
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Archaeological Evidence of the Jewish Temples on the Temple Mount

Historical sources and selected artifacts given to show proof of the First and Second Jewish Temples on the Temple Mount. Jews and Christians have a real and documented relationship to the Temple Mount.
Frankie holding an opus sectile she reconstructed
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What a week!

What a week! Second Temple Floors explained at conferences in Jerusalem. Links to video and more info.

Tag Archive for: second temple


Second Temple Period (Persian, Hellenistic and Early Roman Periods; 538 BCE – 70 CE)

Around 30% of the pottery dates to the Second Temple Period (ca. 516 BCE- 70 CE), of which two thirds belong to the later phases of the period (40 BCE- 70 CE). The ceramic finds can be broadly divided into two distinct groups: the first and earlier group dates to the late Hellenistic Period, the mid-first century BCE, and the second and later group belongs to the Early Roman Period – The mid-first century BCE to first century CE. As with our First Temple Period assemblage, the pottery from the Second Temple Period includes a relatively large number of storage jars and jugs (though not juglets), as compared to contemporary assemblages from other sites in Jerusalem. Similarly, bowls and oil lamps are relatively infrequent. The Hellenistic Period pottery is largely comprised of locally produced vessels. These typically include storage jars and several different bowl and cooking pot forms. Other vessels include Judean wheel-made folded oil lamps and unguentaria (narrow elongated vessels used for storing valuable liquids). Locally produced vessels also dominate the Early Roman assemblage. These include a great number of open vessels exhibiting painted decorations. The bowls are well-fired, thin-walled and shallow. Cooking vessels are made of dark reddish-brown ware and include mostly cooking pots, casseroles and cooking jugs. The storage jars of the period changed from the thick-rimmed jars characteristic of the previous Hellenistic Period to collared-rims jars in which the collar moved lower down the neck as the time progressed, eventually to become a ridge at the base of the neck (see photograph). A small number of imported vessels were discovered as well. These include mostly bowl fragments of eastern Terra Sigillata ware.