New Year for the Trees, New Life for Ancient Forgotten Beams
Happy Tu B’Shevat! Today is the Jewish new year for the trees which is celebrated annually on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat. Customs vary, but many Jews will eat a new fruit they haven’t tried before or eat one (or all!) of…

Mycenaean Imports Early in Jerusalem’s History
Our "Finds from the Lab" feature from our July Newsletter. Sign up now!

Solomon’s Stables: History and Destruction
Check out the new video about Solomon's Stables now the Al-Marwani Mosque. History and Destruction.

Treasures in the British Mandate Archives
Happy International Archives Day!
Archaeologists spend a lot of time working with the fresh material coming out of excavations, but equally important is an archaeologist’s understanding of what came before. We must know about previous excavations,…

Jerusalem Day and the Six-Day War
Artifacts from the Temple Mount Sifting Project tell the story of the unification of Jerusalem during the Six-Day War.

Early Islamic Destruction Layer?
Artifacts from Early Islamic Period may be from 658 CE earthquake.

Is this Egyptian statue fragment the last artifact to be shared with you?
3500 year old Egyptian statue fragment found in Temple Mount soil?

TMSP Terracotta Figurines in the Ira and Ingeborg Rennert Conference of New Studies of Jerusalem
TMSP figurine assemblage may be related to a Judahite rejection of outside influences during the Iron Age II, which found it greatest manifestation in the cultic and national center on the Temple Mount.

Making Seal Impressions
How we made the seal impressions from our 10th century BCE stamp seal

Temple Denial: The Reality
Gaby threatened with eviction from Temple Mount for saying "Temple Mount" and this is just the beginning of the Temple Denial trend. Read and share the truth.

Let’s Play A Game
Name That Find! Write your answers and stay tuned for next week's post with the answer!

Evidence of Greeks on the Temple Mount
Amphora handle from the Temple Mount dates to the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes IV, the villain of the Channukkah story.