figurine fragments from the sifting

Finds from the First and Second Temple Period city dumps at the Eastern slopes of the Temple Mount

Two years ago we reported here about our random discovery of the First and Second Temple period city dumps at the Eastern slopes of the Temple Mount. Tomorrow we are going to publish a preliminary report about our finds from these dumps at the…
Star design Opus Sectile floor tile
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A Letter from Dr. Ron Beals Sharing his Experience in the Sifting Project

Temple Mount Sifting Project By Dr. Ron Beals, Volunteer January 6, 2009 Jerusalem Israel While many people consider Monday a “blue day” this past one (yesterday) was utterly tremendous. It was a very cool (30° F) morning as I set…
byzantine church mosaics
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New Substantial Discoveries in Past Waqf Excavations on Temple Mount

Last Thursday, I gave a lecture and published an article in the annual New Studies on Jerusalem conference of Ingeborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies in Bar-Ilan University. Following is the abstract of the article:   New Information…
Analysing statistical data from the sifting artifacts

Analyzing Prevalent Finds from the Temple Mount Using Control Groups

      One of the major tasks in our project is to develop ways of overcoming the absence of an archaeological context for the artifacts.  A common method to address this obstacle is to date and study artifacts…
Opus sectile marble slab sections

Temple Mount Pavements During the Herodian Period

Assaf Avraham, the manager of the sifting  site, has conducted a research regarding the pavement technique of the Temple Mount during the Second Temple period. He displayed his very interesting and innovative results in the 13th conference…