Noa Nevo
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Noa Nevo – National Service Doing the World a Service

Staff Spotlight: May Have you met Noa? Noa is our Bat Sherut this year at our sifting site in Emek Tzurim National Park, meaning that she is doing her National Service by working with our project. She is a very meticulous and focused sifter,…
Ohad Tal

Saying Farewell to Ohad and Rachel

It is with sad hearts that we announce that we are losing two of our most valued staff members at the Sifting Project. As of November 1, our site manager Ohad Tal and our office manager Rachel Nachum will be leaving for other employment. Both…

New Article in BeSheva about the Sifting Project

BeSheba weekly newspaper has published an extensive article about the sifting project and the story of how it all started. Here's the link:
Yael and Shmuel engagement photo

The earth of the sifting project has created two Humans (ADAMS)

In Judaism, a person is considered complete  only after marriage. For this reason, one of the  seven blessings recited at  the wedding and  the week after is: Blessed are You Lord our God Ruler of the World, Creator of…