Tag Archive for: passover

From the Temple Mount on the eve of Rosh Hashana: A flash-back to seder night…
By the end of a very busy Summer vacation, which saw a multitude of visitors descend on the sifting site, we had amassed a veritable collection of buckets of archaeological artifacts picked out by visitors, which were waiting for preliminary…

Passover Update
We are all facing troubled times. Here at the Temple Mount Sifting Project we have chosen to continue sifting, even without guests or volunteers. We want to keep the fire burning, a sort of eternal flame. The present situation is forcing all…

A Day in the Life: Passover
Dear Diary,
After a long trek, we finally made it to Jerusalem in time for Passover. There were streams of people on the roads and there is a festive feeling in the air. It is always an exciting time to come into Jerusalem. I can see the…