Tag Archive for: Peretz Reuven

New Year for the Trees, New Life for Ancient Forgotten Beams
Happy Tu B’Shevat! Today is the Jewish new year for the trees which is celebrated annually on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat. Customs vary, but many Jews will eat a new fruit they haven’t tried before or eat one (or all!) of…

Early Islamic Destruction Layer?
Artifacts from Early Islamic Period may be from 658 CE earthquake.

Peretz Reuven: Islamic History Recorded
Staff Spotlight hits Peretz Reuven, expert in Early and Late Islamic Cultural Heritage

Nuba Inscription Identifies Dome of the Rock with Jewish Temple
Ancient Arabic inscription bears witness to the fact that the Dome of the Rock structure was originally named 'Bayt al Maqdis' referring to "The Holy Temple."