Is this Egyptian statue fragment the last artifact to be shared with you?
3500 year old Egyptian statue fragment found in Temple Mount soil?

Sneak Peak: Christianity on the Temple Mount
Medal of St. Joseph found!

Find of the Month: How Much Does it Weight? – Nicolle Perez
Possible First Temple scale weight found on Temple Mount

Give Me Beads!
Happy Mardi Gras!

Find of the Month: Aren’t You Dying To Know? – The Singer Family
Fantastic new find from the Temple Mount Sifting Project. #Findofthemonth

TMSP Terracotta Figurines in the Ira and Ingeborg Rennert Conference of New Studies of Jerusalem
TMSP figurine assemblage may be related to a Judahite rejection of outside influences during the Iron Age II, which found it greatest manifestation in the cultic and national center on the Temple Mount.

Making Seal Impressions
How we made the seal impressions from our 10th century BCE stamp seal

Find of the Month: It’s All Fun and Games! – Bar Yosef Family
Family finds bone astragolos from the game knucklebones at the Sifting Project! Find of the Month!

Channukkah Miracles at the Sifting Project
Video with Zachi Dvira talking about the symbolic finds of the first year of the Sifting Project.

Let’s Play A Game
Name That Find! Write your answers and stay tuned for next week's post with the answer!

Evidence of Greeks on the Temple Mount
Amphora handle from the Temple Mount dates to the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes IV, the villain of the Channukkah story.

Help Find the Owner!
Gold Bracelet Lost on Temple Mount. Share to Find Owner.