National Geographic article Excavation Impossible

Appearance in National Geographic

The latest November issue of National Geographic has a section that deals with artifacts that were retrieved from sites where it was not possible to excavate them. The TMSP had a very respectful appearance in this section as the first site mentioned…
statistical distribution table of vegetables

Reconstructing the Context of Our Frequent Finds

When we began transferring the mounds of Temple Mount material from the Kidron Valley dump to the Tzurim Valley National Park, we divided the dump into various areas.  We suspected that the order of the removal of the earth from the Temple…
artifacts exhibition

Exhibition of TMSP Finds at 13th Annual City of David Conference

On Thursday evening this week, September 6, 2012, the City of David will be hosting their 13th Annual Research Conference sponsored by the Megalim Institute.  The program begins with an open house from 16:00 to 18:30 to give you an opportunity…
On background of Jerusalem old city, Smithsonian Article heading - Sifting Sacred Ground.

Article in the Smithsonian Magazine

The Smithsonian Magazine has published and long article about the project. There are mistakes and misunderstandings in the article. Important issues were not mentioned while other non-relevant political issues where emphasized. Nevertheless,…
The Independence Day Annual International Bible Quiz

Independence Day Annual International Bible Quiz

Yesterday we appeared on the Independence Day Annual International Bible Quiz. One of the questions was based on the Son of Imer Bulla we have found. Here is the scene: [youtube=]
Hands sifting over a sifting net

First Temple Dump from the Temple Mount Slopes To be Sifted at the Sifting Project

 Last Wednesday we transferred two truckloads of dirt, possibly remains of First and Second Temple garbage dumps, to our sifting site in Emek Zurim Park. On the eastern slopes of the Temple Mount, in the area beneath the Ophel Street, there…