Jerusalem Post Report about the Potsherd with the Incised Menorah Design and Our Interpretation
See the Jerusalem Post report about the potsherd with the incised menorah design and what are our current conclusions from it:

Seal Impression of King Hezekiah found with the Assistance of the Sifting Project
Eilat Mazar, who directs the Ophel excavation south to the Temple Mount, announced today that a bulla was found bearing the name of King Hezekiah. This seal impression was found in 2010 in our sifting facility in Tzurim Valley, when we…

Recent Appearances in the Media and More Responses to NY Times Temple Denial Article
The 10th century BCE Seal and additional finds dating to this period have received wide coverage in the media. First the Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel and Ynet published the story, and it was then picked up by many other websites.
In particular…

Special Media Release: Rare 3,000-Year-Old Seal Discovered within Earth Discarded from Temple Mount
Rare 3,000-Year-Old Seal Discovered within Earth Discarded from Temple Mount
Seal, dating to period of the Biblical kings David & Solomon discovered at Temple Mount Sifting Project
JERUSALEM, September 21, 2015 — A rare 3,000 year-old…

Response to Article in Times of Israel
Last Friday, an article was published in the Times of Israel, a news site popular among American Jews. We were saddened to see that even though we spent a great deal of effort informing the reporter, Ilan Ben Zion, about the significance…

Appearance in National Geographic
The latest November issue of National Geographic has a section that deals with artifacts that were retrieved from sites where it was not possible to excavate them. The TMSP had a very respectful appearance in this section as the first site mentioned…

A Tour for Journalists on the Temple Mount and Major Problems in the Eastern Temple Mount Wall
Yesterday we conducted a tour for journalists on the Temple Mount which focused on the issues mentioned in our report concerning the antiquities destruction on the Temple Mount during the past 3 years. We examined the debris heaps in the location…

New Article in Israel Hayom about the Al-Aqsa Beams
Nadav Shragai, a reporter for Israel Hayom!, published a very interesting article about the history of some ancient carved wooden beams removed from the Al-Aqsa Mosque during the last century. Some of these beams predate the first Al-Aqsa Mosque…

Article in Israel Hayom about the Sifting Project
Israel Hayom published today an article about the TMSP new discoveries in the recent years. It is short but gives a good summary.
See link no. 14 in the Selected Media Reports panel on the left.
p.s. We are currently working on a new comprehensive…

Article in the Smithsonian Magazine
The Smithsonian Magazine has published and long article about the project. There are mistakes and misunderstandings in the article. Important issues were not mentioned while other non-relevant political issues where emphasized. Nevertheless,…

Media Reports about the Coins
Tonight Israel Broadcast Association - Channel One, will have a news report about the coins, at 21:00 Israel time.
It can be watched live on the web at:
Following is a list of links to reports…

Article in the Jerusalem Post about the Mosaic Underneath the Al-Aqsa Mosque
Following my article that was reported in the last post, The Jerusalem Post published an article regarding the discovery of the Mosaic floor underneath the Al-Aqsa mosque.
See: http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1226404750389&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull