Continuation of the Sifting at Mitzpeh HaMasu‘ot (The Masu’ot Lookout) and Some Updates
About two months ago, we announced financial difficulties that threatened the continued operation of the sifting site at Mitzpe HaMasuot. Fortunately, thanks to additional donations and significant processes initiated since then - including…

Find And Finder Of The Month: July 2023, The Juarez Family from Mexico Found a Scales Beam Fragment
The Juarez Family with the scales beam
In July 2023, the Juarez family from Mexico discovered a fragment of a scales beam. As mentioned in our previous "Find of the Month" post, we are catching up on posts that were delayed due to the war.This…

‘Holy Work’
In Hebrew, we have a term called "Avodat Kodesh," which literally means 'Holy Work,' but actually refers to an unpleasant or tedious job done for a higher cause, one that very few are ready to take upon themselves. Occasionally, we at the TMSP…

Find and Finders of the Month: André and Daniela Lopes Found a Piece of a Stone Vessel
When we heard about the Temple Mount Sifting Project months before we planned our trip to Israel, we made sure to plan our participation. Being able to have the experience of touching such ancient and sacred materials was a unique opportunity!…

Find and Finder of the Month: Alexei Vishnyakov Found a Crusader Opus Sectile Tile
Alexei Vishnyakov from Russia uncovered evidence of Crusader tiling in the Temple Mount.
We haven't had a "Find & Finder of the month" post for a while now. We're happy to report that we’re slowly coming out of the pandemic slump,…

22 Years Later…
One of the most exciting things (some call them “finds”) in the sifting project are the people who come to sift, and the stories they bring with them.
Here, for example, is the story of Saul and Sabina Primer from Kfar Saba, who visited…

The Educational Value of a Stolen Pot Handle
The last part of the sifting activity is the summary, where the archaeologist on duty picks out a selection of the most interesting artifacts the group has found and arranges them on a tray, gathers the member of the group together and…

We’re in the Top 10% of Attractions Worldwide!
You haven't heard much from us for a while since we've been very busy - having been inundated by visitors during the last month, which was totally different to all we've experienced since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. The sifting…

Special Update Following the Coronavirus Pandemic Crisis
Prior to the coronavirus pandemic reaching Israel in early March and leading to the Israeli border closure as well as government orders calling for social distancing, the new sifting site experienced amazing progress. We received many bookings…

Find of the Month: Ancient Key Opens the Door to Mystery – Pastor Joe Putting
Along with the resumption of the sifting we decided also to revive our Find of the Month posts, fondly remembered from our years of sifting at the Tzurim Valley. This month we are excited to announce the discovery of a fragment of an…

Marvelous Opening Day
Well, it's been a week since our grand (re)opening and we're still catching our breath.
The preparations were hectic, but boy, was it worth it! We would like to thank to everyone who came to show their support, as well as those who couldn't…

Send Us Your Pictures
Hello everyone! Do you have pictures from your visit to the sifting site or the research lab? Cute pictures of your kids, awesome pictures of you holding what you found, great pictures of you smiling with Dr. Barkay? Well, we want them!