Better Than A Museum
Visit Us!
Come visit us in our research lab! We miss you! For our supporters, we are offering tours of our research laboratory where you can see all of our special finds and learn about them from one of our expert archaeologists. It is one…

So a Congressman, a Senator, and an Archaeologist walk onto the Temple Mount…
Dr. Barkay gives Temple Mount tour to US politicians: on video.

Find of the Month: It’s All Fun and Games! – Bar Yosef Family
Family finds bone astragolos from the game knucklebones at the Sifting Project! Find of the Month!

Let’s Play A Game
Name That Find! Write your answers and stay tuned for next week's post with the answer!

Help Find the Owner!
Gold Bracelet Lost on Temple Mount. Share to Find Owner.

Inspiring Supporters
BAR reader makes quilt from Temple Mount floor patterns reconstructed by the Sifting Project

Find of the Month: Figurine Fragment – Or & Naya Korshaya
Two sisters found the leg of an Iron Age figurine at the Temple Mount Sifting Project.

Find of the Month: Mother of Pearl Bead and Inlay – Eitan & Amichai Strik
Two brothers find a mother of pearl bead and inlay. Mother of pearl pictures and history. What's it doing on the Temple Mount?

A Letter from Dr. Ron Beals Sharing his Experience in the Sifting Project
Temple Mount Sifting Project
By Dr. Ron Beals, Volunteer
January 6, 2009 Jerusalem Israel
While many people consider Monday a “blue day” this past one (yesterday) was utterly tremendous. It was a very cool (30° F) morning as I set…

First Knesset Member to Sift the Earth of the Temple Mount
Last Wednesday, we had a very surprising visit from Labor party secretary, MK Eitan Kabel, who came with his family to see our site and participate in the sifting project. MK Kabel is the first MK to partake in the sifting. He said that he…