Haaretz heading - Uncovering Jerusalems History in the Rubble of Temple Mount

Recent Appearances in the Media and More Responses to NY Times Temple Denial Article

The 10th century BCE Seal and additional finds dating to this period have received wide coverage in the media. First the Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel and Ynet published the story, and it was then picked up by many other websites. In particular…
New York Times heading - Historical Certainty Proves Elusive at Jerusalems Holiest Place

The New York Times Joins the Temple Denial Movement

Unbelievable! Temple Denial agenda is taken seriously by the New York Times. Rick Gladstone published a stupid article interviewing serious archaeology scholars as if they really doubt that the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif) is the location…
3000 year old seal with two animals

Special Media Release: Rare 3,000-Year-Old Seal Discovered within Earth Discarded from Temple Mount

Rare 3,000-Year-Old Seal Discovered within Earth Discarded from Temple Mount Seal, dating to period of the Biblical kings David & Solomon discovered at Temple Mount Sifting Project JERUSALEM, September 21, 2015 — A rare 3,000 year-old…
Silver half-shekel coin with tripe-pomegranate cluster motive

A Campaign for Publishing the TMSP to the World

Dear Friends, This video is about a story that is relevant to each one of you. It is a story of universal significance. It is the story of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, of antiquities buried in soil, and the unique archaeological project for…
Nuba Arabic inscription on wall

Translators to Arabic and Korean

In about two weeks we are going to launch a new crowd funding website to support the research and publication of the more than half a million archaeological finds from the Temple Mount that we have uncovered so far. In addition to the funding…
Opus sectile floor on the Temple Mount
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A Brief Report about Carpets Replacements and the Floors in the Dome of the Rock

Among the finds from the Sifting Project are hundreds of opus sectile (Latin: “cut work”) paving tiles that can be traced to various time periods on the Temple Mount – Herodian/Roman, Byzantine, Early Islamic, Crusader, Later Islamic and…
Opus Sectile floor revealed under a carpet on the Dome of the Rock

New Information from the Exposed Floors of the Dome of the Rock

The carpets of the Dome of the Rock and Solomon's Stables were recently replaced. Pictures that were taken this week of the exposed floor of the Dome of the Rock and the cave beneath it revealed new fascinating information. Some old tiles were…
Gabi Barkai and Zachi Dvira checking artifacts on-site

Speaking Engagements in Our Upcoming tour to the U.S.A.

We would appreciate it very much if any of you could mediate us with communities in the U.S. that would like to invite us to speak about our the Temple Mount Sifting Project in our upcoming tour to the U.S. You may use the information below: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archaeologists…
Snapshot of the Half-Shekel web site

Searching for Volunteers to Translate text into Variety of Languages

We are searching for volunteers for translating English text into a variety of language, for a new crowd funding website. Its about 4000 words. More languages the website will be available in, the wider international awareness to the project…
Waqf digging channels for sewage systems on the Temple Mount

Significant improvement of the enforcement and supervision of the Israeli Antiquities laws on the Temple Mount

Since the summer of 2007 we have witnessed a positive trend concerning the enforcement of the antiquities laws, and the Israel Antiquities Authority’s (IAA) supervision of construction work on the Temple Mount. An especially significant improvement…
Hannukkah dreidel - star of David fragment

What’s a Dreidel doing on the Temple Mount?

The Temple Mount dirt contains not only ancient finds but also modern ones since it was deliberately mixed with modern garbage. Occasionally we find in the sifting some amusing objects which illustrate the wide variety of activities that took…
Jewlry finds from the sifting
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Update on Recent Developments at the Sifting Project

The number of visitors/volunteers at the Sifting Project has been increasing year by year and also the volume of the material that has been sifted. To date we have sifted about half of the debris that is on hand. This means that we have at least…