Architectural marble stones from Byzantine and Early Moslem periods

Antiquities Damage on the Temple Mount in the Years 2010-2012

Following is a report we published on Sunday this week. Since then new earthworks activity began in the Eastern debris heaps in the Temple Mount, which was covered by Israeli media news reports. We will publish a detailed report about these…
Ancient beams on the Temple Mount

Regarding the Reports about Ancient Wooden Beams being Burnt in the Temple Mount

Earlier this week there were some reports in the media about Arabs burning “First Temple Cedars of Lebanon.” These reports were based more on assumptions than facts. The facts are that the stack of wooden beams that was lying on the ground…
Ohad Tal

Saying Farewell to Ohad and Rachel

It is with sad hearts that we announce that we are losing two of our most valued staff members at the Sifting Project. As of November 1, our site manager Ohad Tal and our office manager Rachel Nachum will be leaving for other employment. Both…
artifacts exhibition
Yuval explains artifacts to visitors at the exhibition

Highlights from our Exhibition and Presentation at the 13th Annual Studies of Ancient Jerusalem Conference

On the evening of Thursday, September 6, 2012, the City of David hosted the 13th Annual Studies of Ancient Jerusalem Conference presented by the Megalim Institute. The program began with an open house including free tours throughout the City…
Ancient beams on the Temple Mount
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New Article in Israel Hayom about the Al-Aqsa Beams

Nadav Shragai, a reporter for Israel Hayom!, published a very interesting article about the history of some ancient carved wooden beams removed from the Al-Aqsa Mosque during the last century. Some of these beams predate the first Al-Aqsa Mosque…
artifacts exhibition

Exhibition of TMSP Finds at 13th Annual City of David Conference

On Thursday evening this week, September 6, 2012, the City of David will be hosting their 13th Annual Research Conference sponsored by the Megalim Institute.  The program begins with an open house from 16:00 to 18:30 to give you an opportunity…
Israel Hayom 29.6.2012 entitled Mikvah from Second Temple under El Aqsah

Article in Israel Hayom about the Sifting Project

Israel Hayom published today an article about the TMSP new discoveries in the recent years. It is short but gives a good summary. See link no. 14 in the Selected Media Reports panel on the left. p.s. We are currently working on a new comprehensive…
figurine fragments from the sifting

Finds from the First and Second Temple Period city dumps at the Eastern slopes of the Temple Mount

Two years ago we reported here about our random discovery of the First and Second Temple period city dumps at the Eastern slopes of the Temple Mount. Tomorrow we are going to publish a preliminary report about our finds from these dumps at the…
On background of Jerusalem old city, Smithsonian Article heading - Sifting Sacred Ground.

Article in the Smithsonian Magazine

The Smithsonian Magazine has published and long article about the project. There are mistakes and misunderstandings in the article. Important issues were not mentioned while other non-relevant political issues where emphasized. Nevertheless,…
Snapshot of TMSP website

We need your help for the anlysis and publication of the TMSP finds

When we began the Temple Mount Sifting Project five years ago, we had no idea what was ahead of us. We did not understand the enormous amount of work that would be necessary to extract archaeological information from the tons of haphazardly…
The Independence Day Annual International Bible Quiz

Independence Day Annual International Bible Quiz

Yesterday we appeared on the Independence Day Annual International Bible Quiz. One of the questions was based on the Son of Imer Bulla we have found. Here is the scene: [youtube=]