On background of Jerusalem old city, Smithsonian Article heading - Sifting Sacred Ground.

Article in the Smithsonian Magazine

The Smithsonian Magazine has published and long article about the project. There are mistakes and misunderstandings in the article. Important issues were not mentioned while other non-relevant political issues where emphasized. Nevertheless,…
Snapshot of TMSP website

We need your help for the anlysis and publication of the TMSP finds

When we began the Temple Mount Sifting Project five years ago, we had no idea what was ahead of us. We did not understand the enormous amount of work that would be necessary to extract archaeological information from the tons of haphazardly…
The Independence Day Annual International Bible Quiz

Independence Day Annual International Bible Quiz

Yesterday we appeared on the Independence Day Annual International Bible Quiz. One of the questions was based on the Son of Imer Bulla we have found. Here is the scene: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEfejOMcIM8&hl=en&fs=1]
Hands sifting over a sifting net

First Temple Dump from the Temple Mount Slopes To be Sifted at the Sifting Project

 Last Wednesday we transferred two truckloads of dirt, possibly remains of First and Second Temple garbage dumps, to our sifting site in Emek Zurim Park. On the eastern slopes of the Temple Mount, in the area beneath the Ophel Street, there…
Star design Opus Sectile floor tile
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A Letter from Dr. Ron Beals Sharing his Experience in the Sifting Project

Temple Mount Sifting Project By Dr. Ron Beals, Volunteer January 6, 2009 Jerusalem Israel While many people consider Monday a “blue day” this past one (yesterday) was utterly tremendous. It was a very cool (30° F) morning as I set…
Roman coin with Caesars head

Media Reports about the Coins

Tonight Israel Broadcast Association - Channel One, will have a news report about the coins, at 21:00 Israel time. It can be watched live on the web at: http://www.iba.org.il/media/?recorded=tv Following is a list of links to reports…
Mosaic floor underneath the Al-Aqsa mosque
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Article in the Jerusalem Post about the Mosaic Underneath the Al-Aqsa Mosque

Following my article that was reported in the last post, The Jerusalem Post published an article regarding the discovery of the Mosaic floor underneath the Al-Aqsa mosque. See: http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1226404750389&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull
byzantine church mosaics
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New Substantial Discoveries in Past Waqf Excavations on Temple Mount

Last Thursday, I gave a lecture and published an article in the annual New Studies on Jerusalem conference of Ingeborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies in Bar-Ilan University. Following is the abstract of the article:   New Information…
Analysing statistical data from the sifting artifacts

Analyzing Prevalent Finds from the Temple Mount Using Control Groups

      One of the major tasks in our project is to develop ways of overcoming the absence of an archaeological context for the artifacts.  A common method to address this obstacle is to date and study artifacts…

New Article in BeSheva about the Sifting Project

BeSheba weekly newspaper has published an extensive article about the sifting project and the story of how it all started. Here's the link: http://www.inn.co.il/Besheva/Article.aspx/7460
Yael and Shmuel engagement photo

The earth of the sifting project has created two Humans (ADAMS)

In Judaism, a person is considered complete  only after marriage. For this reason, one of the  seven blessings recited at  the wedding and  the week after is: Blessed are You Lord our God Ruler of the World, Creator of…
Opus sectile marble slab sections

Temple Mount Pavements During the Herodian Period

Assaf Avraham, the manager of the sifting  site, has conducted a research regarding the pavement technique of the Temple Mount during the Second Temple period. He displayed his very interesting and innovative results in the 13th conference…