Illegal Construction by the Waqf on the Temple Mount

Awaqf Casting Concrete into Ancient Sewage Tunnel

Again, the Awaqf allowed construction at the Temple Mount without any archaeological supervision. This time it was just south to the Dome of the Rock where concrete was cast into an ancient sewage tunnel at the southern edge of the raised platform.…
Frankie lecturing on her Opus Sectile reconstructions

Reconstruction of Crusader Floors in the Dome of the Rock Based on Picturesque Palestine Illustrations and Finds from the Temple Mount Sifting Project

Yesterday, at Haifa University in a conference commemorating 150 years for the Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF), Frankie Snyder, a senior member of the Sifting Project who also in charge on the research and publication of the opus sectile floor…
Pottery sherd with etched menorah

More Details about the Menorah Incision

See the video below of Gabriel Barkay explaining more details on the potsherd Menorah  incision:   [youtube]
Pottery sherd with etched menorah

Jerusalem Post Report about the Potsherd with the Incised Menorah Design and Our Interpretation

See the Jerusalem Post report about the potsherd with the incised menorah design and what are our current conclusions from it:
Pottery sherd with etched menorah

A Potsherd from the Temple Mount with an Incision that Resembles the Temple Menorah

Want to help decipher an archaeological mystery? A very interesting incised design appears on an ancient potsherd found in the sifting of the soil from the Temple Mount . Is it the Temple Menorah? Some kind of floral design? Something…
Scarab imprint Seal announced by Eilat Mazar

Seal Impression of King Hezekiah found with the Assistance of the Sifting Project

Eilat Mazar, who directs the Ophel excavation south to the Temple Mount, announced today that a bulla was found bearing the name of King Hezekiah. This seal impression was found in 2010 in our sifting facility in Tzurim Valley, when we…
Working on pottery research

We Need Your Support In Order to Go On with the Research

With only 30 days are left in our crowd funding campaign, we need your full support. Please donate your symbolic half-shekel so we can continue our research. Click Here to Donate. Later this month we are will be publishing two new discoveries…
Haaretz heading - Uncovering Jerusalems History in the Rubble of Temple Mount

Recent Appearances in the Media and More Responses to NY Times Temple Denial Article

The 10th century BCE Seal and additional finds dating to this period have received wide coverage in the media. First the Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel and Ynet published the story, and it was then picked up by many other websites. In particular…
New York Times heading - Historical Certainty Proves Elusive at Jerusalems Holiest Place

The New York Times Joins the Temple Denial Movement

Unbelievable! Temple Denial agenda is taken seriously by the New York Times. Rick Gladstone published a stupid article interviewing serious archaeology scholars as if they really doubt that the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif) is the location…
3000 year old seal with two animals

Special Media Release: Rare 3,000-Year-Old Seal Discovered within Earth Discarded from Temple Mount

Rare 3,000-Year-Old Seal Discovered within Earth Discarded from Temple Mount Seal, dating to period of the Biblical kings David & Solomon discovered at Temple Mount Sifting Project JERUSALEM, September 21, 2015 — A rare 3,000 year-old…
Silver half-shekel coin with tripe-pomegranate cluster motive

A Campaign for Publishing the TMSP to the World

Dear Friends, This video is about a story that is relevant to each one of you. It is a story of universal significance. It is the story of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, of antiquities buried in soil, and the unique archaeological project for…
Nuba Arabic inscription on wall

Translators to Arabic and Korean

In about two weeks we are going to launch a new crowd funding website to support the research and publication of the more than half a million archaeological finds from the Temple Mount that we have uncovered so far. In addition to the funding…