Find and Finder of the Month: Yarden Shor discovered an 8th Century CE Arabic inscription
Yarder Shor with a fragment of a Kufic inscription.
The find chosen for this month was discovered by Yarden Shor, 7 years old, from Jerusalem, who took part in the sifting project towards the end of this summer. She revealed a piece of a…

Help Support the Participation of School Students in the Sifting
Now that the summer is over, and with incoming tourism still off the board, organized school trips remain as our major way of continuing the sifting.
This is where you come in! You may now help fund school students at the sifting.

Find and Finder of the Month: ‘LMLK’ Seal Impression, found by Eliya Danieli
The Danieli family is a familiar sight at the sifting site, returning every year at the start of the month of Av, to connect and feel the soil of the Temple Mount during the days in which the destruction of the Temple is remembered.

Find and Finder of the Month: Ivory Legs Found by Lev Simcha Levi
It has been quite challenging over the past year to keep posting a Find of the Month article each on a consistent basis, considering the slow pace of the sifting due to the numerous lockdowns and Covid-19 regulations and restrictions.…

Will you be Lucky Enough to Find the next Pur?
The lockdown is over and we're back to sifting! We're of course practicing Covid-19 precautions, with groups of up to 20 (We’re currently looking into allocating separate hours during which we’ll be able to accommodate larger groups, in…

Check Out Our New Beautiful Reconstruction of Herod’s Temple Courts Colorful Floors
We’ve just recently installed at the sifting site at Mitzpe Hamasu’ot a new reconstruction of the colorful floor that decorated the courts of Herod’s Temple. Since we published a preliminary report several years ago on the reconstruction…

Find and Finder of the Month: A Rare Gold Bead from the First Temple Period found by Binyamin Milt
Binyamin Milt from Jerusalem who found the Gold Bead.
Because of the Covid-19 lockdown and restrictions over the past few months, it took a while until we managed to go over the multitude of artifacts found in the sifting over August. We…

Adopt a Coin!
When ancient coins are found in archaeological digs, it is usually impossible to identify their design elements or inscriptions, due to the accumulation over time of corrosion or encrustation. Therefore, these coins must be sent to a restoration…

From the Temple Mount on the eve of Rosh Hashana: A flash-back to seder night…
By the end of a very busy Summer vacation, which saw a multitude of visitors descend on the sifting site, we had amassed a veritable collection of buckets of archaeological artifacts picked out by visitors, which were waiting for preliminary…

We’re in the Top 10% of Attractions Worldwide!
You haven't heard much from us for a while since we've been very busy - having been inundated by visitors during the last month, which was totally different to all we've experienced since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. The sifting…

Our Comments on the Unknown Underground Cistern that Was Discovered on the Temple Mount
Earlier this week an opening to an unknown underground cavity or passageway was discovered on the Temple Mount by one of the Islamic Waqf personnel. After studying a video and pictures of this discovery published on social media networks, it…

The Temple Mount Sifting Project Between the Straits
Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the sifting site at the Masu’ot Lookout has been perhaps the only archaeological site in the country that did not halt operations in response to the situation. With limited staff and local volunteers,…