Check Out Our New Beautiful Reconstruction of Herod’s Temple Courts Colorful Floors
We’ve just recently installed at the sifting site at Mitzpe Hamasu’ot a new reconstruction of the colorful floor that decorated the courts of Herod’s Temple. Since we published a preliminary report several years ago on the reconstruction of the patterns of these floors, several similar models have been made in various places over the world – some as fabric quilt art and some in stone flooring, but this reconstruction, created under the direction of Mr. Avi Tavisal, from the Israel Diamond Center and donated to our sifting site, is the best and most accurate done so far.
Apparently this reconstruction caught the attention of Reuters, who published an item about it which is circulating all over the world.…/archaeologists-recreate-tiles…
Want to see it with your own eyes, and get the feeling of how the Temple courts looked like? Visit us at the sifting site the next time you are in Jerusalem.

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It’s disappointing that Frankie wasn’t given credit for her part in the opus sectile discovery.
We’re sorry to hear about your dissapointment. You may note that none of the names of reaserchers involved in the discovety are mentioned in this post, as the post deals with the reconstruction and not the discovery itself, of which we’ve written on numerous occasions, and where Frankie is featured comprehensively. You can follow this tag to read more posts about Frankie Snyder.
Fascinating and inspiring. Thank you.