Special Media Release: Rare 3,000-Year-Old Seal Discovered within Earth Discarded from Temple Mount
Rare 3,000-Year-Old Seal Discovered within Earth Discarded from Temple Mount
Seal, dating to period of the Biblical kings David & Solomon discovered at Temple Mount Sifting Project
JERUSALEM, September 21, 2015 — A rare 3,000 year-old…

A Brief Report about Carpets Replacements and the Floors in the Dome of the Rock
Among the finds from the Sifting Project are hundreds of opus sectile (Latin: “cut work”) paving tiles that can be traced to various time periods on the Temple Mount – Herodian/Roman, Byzantine, Early Islamic, Crusader, Later Islamic and…

What’s a Dreidel doing on the Temple Mount?
The Temple Mount dirt contains not only ancient finds but also modern ones since it was deliberately mixed with modern garbage. Occasionally we find in the sifting some amusing objects which illustrate the wide variety of activities that took…

Update on Recent Developments at the Sifting Project
The number of visitors/volunteers at the Sifting Project has been increasing year by year and also the volume of the material that has been sifted. To date we have sifted about half of the debris that is on hand. This means that we have at least…

Highlights from our Exhibition and Presentation at the 13th Annual Studies of Ancient Jerusalem Conference
On the evening of Thursday, September 6, 2012, the City of David hosted the 13th Annual Studies of Ancient Jerusalem Conference presented by the Megalim Institute. The program began with an open house including free tours throughout the City…

Article in Israel Hayom about the Sifting Project
Israel Hayom published today an article about the TMSP new discoveries in the recent years. It is short but gives a good summary.
See link no. 14 in the Selected Media Reports panel on the left.
p.s. We are currently working on a new comprehensive…

Finds from the First and Second Temple Period city dumps at the Eastern slopes of the Temple Mount
Two years ago we reported here about our random discovery of the First and Second Temple period city dumps at the Eastern slopes of the Temple Mount. Tomorrow we are going to publish a preliminary report about our finds from these dumps at the…

Media Reports about the Coins
Tonight Israel Broadcast Association - Channel One, will have a news report about the coins, at 21:00 Israel time.
It can be watched live on the web at:
Following is a list of links to reports…

Temple Mount Pavements During the Herodian Period
Assaf Avraham, the manager of the sifting site, has conducted a research regarding the pavement technique of the Temple Mount during the Second Temple period. He displayed his very interesting and innovative results in the 13th conference…