Find & Finder of the Month: A Three-Weeks Coin Found by Matanya Hacohen
Like the rest of the world, we are still struggling with realities imposed on us by COVID-19, but we have been able to resume semi-normal activities at the sifting site, and together with them we are happy to resume our Find of the Month posts!

Join the Remote Sifting!
Would you like to travel to Israel and personally discover Jerusalem’s glorious history - but are stuck at home because of the virus?
Then try the next best thing!
The Temple Mount Sifting Project is now offering “Remote Sifting”!

Temple Mount Sifting Project Symposium
In celebration of Jerusalem Day, the Temple Mount Sifting Project will conduct an on-line study session (via Zoom), with a series of lectures on the archaeology of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, presented by the Sifting Project research team.

Expanding Our Sifting Possibilities in Accordance to Covid-19 Limitations
The Temple Mount Sifting Project is continuing its operation and is expanding!
Despite the situation in which we find ourselves due to the Coronavirus pandemic, we have decided not to shutdown, but to keep on going!
How can you help?

Check Out Our New Virtual Exhibition
For all those who couldn't attend our exhibition that was displayed at the new sifting site’s grand opening last year, we've made a virtual exhibition available for you on our website.
The artifacts displayed are just glimpse of what was found…

Passover Update
We are all facing troubled times. Here at the Temple Mount Sifting Project we have chosen to continue sifting, even without guests or volunteers. We want to keep the fire burning, a sort of eternal flame. The present situation is forcing all…

Special Update Following the Coronavirus Pandemic Crisis
Prior to the coronavirus pandemic reaching Israel in early March and leading to the Israeli border closure as well as government orders calling for social distancing, the new sifting site experienced amazing progress. We received many bookings…

KI10 Here We Come!
When we transported the piles of Temple Mount soil debris from their initial dumping sites, we hypothesized that the piles were not evenly and completely mixed, but rather were distributed like a lightly tossed salad, such that different piles…

Find & Finder of the Month: A Bulla of an Unknown Type, Discovered by the Schwartzes
This month we present you with Miriam and Elie Schwartz, of Philadelphia, PA, who found a small pottery shard, which may look unimportant at first glance (even to some of our seasoned archaeologists). However, on careful examination, some interesting…

Meet the Team Mondays: Daniel Shani
Daniel Shani is one of the full time staff members here at the Temple Mount Sifting Site, and can usually be found in the lab conducting research, and occasionally giving tours on-site. Daniel was raised in the town of Maale Adumim, but currently…

Meet the Team Mondays: Dorit Gutreich
Dorit Gutreich currently serves in part as an on-site archaeologist, and in part as a researcher in the laboratory of the Temple Mount Sifting Project. Dorit was born in a kibbutz near Beit She'an, but was raised in Jerusalem where she currently…

Meet the Team Mondays: Esther Esquenazi
Esther Esquenazi - Esther grew up in Upstate New York, but is more recently from the town Elazar. Esther graduated from Rutgers University with a degree in History, and a minor in Education. In addition to studying public history, Esther extensively…