Watch/Listen to the TMSP story on Let the Stones Speak

We were honored to be featured on the biblical archaeology series Let the Stones Speak, co-hosted by Christ Eames of the Armstrong Institute. In the first installment—part of a longer conversation—you’ll hear the Temple Mount Sifting…
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Continuation of the Sifting at Mitzpeh HaMasu‘ot (The Masu’ot Lookout) and Some Updates

About two months ago, we announced financial difficulties that threatened the continued operation of the sifting site at Mitzpe HaMasuot. Fortunately, thanks to additional donations and significant processes initiated since then - including…
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The Sifting Site Faces Closure After Hanukkah

Over the past year, as the State of Israel has been engaged in a war that many have described as existential, each day has brought new casualties among our soldiers, and hundreds of our brothers and sisters remain in captivity in Hamas' dungeons.…
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Milestone Achievement in Our Research: Quantitative Analysis of First Temple Period Pottery Last Thursday, we reached a significant milestone in our research and publication process. At the annual New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Region conference, organized by the…

A Real Estate Investment which is also a Donation

The following post is unusual in that it is not about archaeology, but about a touching story, Hebrew poetry and also an invitation to invest in real estate in Jerusalem with an amazing return, which is in effect a contribution to the Sifting…
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Special Gala Event Showcasing New Discoveries from the Temple Mount Sifting Project Research

Dear All, Since the beginning of the war, we’ve received many messages from our friends abroad expressing their concern for our welfare. Thank you all for the warm messages, it encourages us and fills our hearts. As the war erupted, four…
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A Glimpse into the Difficulties of Conducting Archaeology in Jerusalem

Three weeks ago, we transferred more of the Temple Mount debris piles to our sifting site, which were buried in the upper terraces of Emek Tzurim. Unfortunately, we had to leave a lot of the soil behind to preserve the terraces and the trees. Here's…
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Even the Shattered Fragments of the Tablets Contain Meaning

Moses breaking the tablets, Gustav Dora (1832-1883). Yesterday was the 17th day of Tammuz, which is considered one of the four fasts observed by the Jewish People in order to commemorate the destruction of Jerusalem and the First and Second…
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A Piercing Insight Into Ancient Beads

When coming into the sifting site, groups are shown into a gallery where a few of our finds are displayed, and our guides are presented with a tough choice – with limited time, which do you point out and discuss?  Personally,…

Find and Finder of the Month: Robert Kolb found a Spindle Whorl with a significant number

Robert Kolb with the spindle whorl Our latest Finder of the Month is Robert Kolb, a retired US Army officer. Robert tells us that he “was so excited to have played a small part in helping us understand the history of this amazing country.…
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An Important Letter from the Temple Mount Sifting Project

The story of the Temple Mount Sifting Project is your story just as much as it is ours. Ever since its founding, the project has continuously relied upon people just like you. It is our many followers, supporters and volunteers who play a vital…

The Deeper Meaning of the Temple and Your Part in Continuing Revealing it

The Jewish people commemorate and mourn the destruction of the Temple every year in the Jewish date 9th of Av. This year it turns on Shabbat, so the mourning will not take place tomorrow but on Sunday, the 10th of Av. The first days of the…