invitation to symposium

Temple Mount Sifting Project Symposium

In celebration of Jerusalem Day, the Temple Mount Sifting Project will conduct an on-line study session (via Zoom), with a series of lectures on the archaeology of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, presented by the Sifting Project research team. Registration…
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Passover Update

We are all facing troubled times. Here at the Temple Mount Sifting Project we have chosen to continue sifting, even without guests or volunteers. We want to keep the fire burning, a sort of eternal flame. The present situation is forcing all…
The next heap to be sifted -KIF10

KI10 Here We Come!

When we transported the piles of Temple Mount soil debris from their initial dumping sites, we hypothesized that the piles were not evenly and completely mixed, but rather were distributed like a lightly tossed salad, such that different piles…

Meet the Team Mondays: Daniel Shani

Daniel Shani is one of the full time staff members here at the Temple Mount Sifting Site, and can usually be found in the lab conducting research, and occasionally giving tours on-site. Daniel was raised in the town of Maale Adumim, but currently…

Meet the Team Mondays: Dorit Gutreich

Dorit Gutreich currently serves in part as an on-site archaeologist, and in part as a researcher in the laboratory of the Temple Mount Sifting Project. Dorit was born in a kibbutz near Beit She'an, but was raised in Jerusalem where she currently…
scrreenshot of our instagram page

Follow Us on Our New Instagram Page!

To all our followers and visitors: We at the Temple Mount Sifting Project have recently opened our own Instagram account! If you'd like to hear the news about recent finds, view images and historical facts from our archival material, see day-to-day…
The sifting greenhouse

Our New, State-of-the-Art Greenhouse!

We're excited to announce that our host at the Mitzpe HaMasuot site has finished building our new, state-of-the-art greenhouse! Due to our location next to the peak of Mount Scopus, we have noticed that the winds have gotten quite strong as…
sifting in action - volunteers

A Visit from the Alumni of the Ecole Polytechnique!

This past week at the Temple Mount Sifting Project, we had the great honor and pleasure of hosting the reunion tour of the Class of 1962-65 from the prestigious Ecole Polytechnique of Paris. This group of retirees, many of whom have never been…
TMSP artifacts at the Rockefeller exhibition

TMSP Lends Armenian Ceramics to “A Glimpse of Paradise” Exhibition

     In late September a new exhibition titled ‘’A Glimpse of Paradise’’ opened at the Rockefeller Museum of Archaeology. The exhibition, organized under the auspices of the Israel Museum, and in collaboration…
Elkin sifts the first bucket
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Marvelous Opening Day

Well, it's been a week since our grand (re)opening and we're still catching our breath. The preparations were hectic, but boy, was it worth it! We would like to thank to everyone who came to show their support, as well as those who couldn't…
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Great Article on Times of Israel

We wanted to publish a post about our grand opening events on Jerusalem day, but no need to do that since Amanda Borschel-Dan already did it in very nice and extensive article in the Times of Israel. Here's the link: Shabbat…
Flier for sifting exhibition

Special Finds Exhibit – and the Future of the Sifting

For those who haven't read our previous announcements, and for those who haven't yet heard, we're resuming the sifting activity in a new site, which will be inaugurated on the coming Jerusalem Day. On this day, the public is invited to come…