flier for renewed sifting activity
new site for the sifting: mitspeh hamasuot

Two Important Announcements

Dear friends and supporters, this time we have two important announcements for you: First the bad news. The government's promises of funding have not been fulfilled. In September 2016, Prime Minister Netanyahu publicly vowed to fund the project,…
gibeon sealing found in the sifting

The History of the Temple Mount in 12 Objects: #3 The Late First Temple Period

As we continue with our 12-post series on objects in the history of the Temple Mount, let us turn to the Late First Temple period – Iron Age IIb-c, in the 8th through 6th centuries BCE. During this time of the year, multitudes of business…
Unveiling Jerusalem film - poster

French Film Answers the UNESCO Jerusalem Resolution

The film, Unveiling Jerusalem, by the French producer, Pier Rehov, answers the UNESCO Jerusalem resolution. The Sifting Project appears throughout the film. The film can be viewed and purchased at the following link: http://www.unveilingjerusalem.com/          
"Thank you" on background of volunteers sifting

Thank You!

We did it! Thanks to our three benefactors donors who setup the matching fund, and to all our supporters through our crowdfunding website, we’ve managed to secure our budget for the rest of 2018 and the beginning of 2019. This will allow us…
Jenn with a coin she found 440

Goodbye Jenn!

To all of our supporters and follower and lovers of archaeology, There comes a time in every person’s career where they have to take a new opportunity even if it means leaving a place and people that they love. Unfortunately for me, that…

Wrapping Up First Temple Period Pottery

We're nearly there, and with just a little more of your help, we'll be able to reach our donation drive goal. Our benefactors are waiting to QUADRUPLE your donation. Your donation will enable us to complete research regarding pottery from…
Yeshurun schoolgirls sifting
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Our New Mobile Sifting Program

The Mount Comes to You Hello everyone, we have some news to share with you. The Temple Mount Sifting Project is renewing its activity outside the lab! For the first time in the history of archaeological research in Israel –the site will be…
group visit to the lab

Better Than A Museum

Visit Us! Come visit us in our research lab! We miss you! For our supporters, we are offering tours of our research laboratory where you can see all of our special finds and learn about them from one of our expert archaeologists. It is one…
Dumped Temple Mount soil

ISIS-Style Destruction of Antiquities, Right Here in Israel

A week and a half ago, our staff had a fun day. As archaeologists, we obviously decided to go visit some archaeological sites, but we had no idea what we were about to see. One of our stops on our trip was at the site of Archelais, which is…
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Top 10 Topics from 5777

The Top 10 Topics YOU liked on our Facebook page. Finds, Videos, and More! Looking back on a great year.
Gaby Barkai head photo

What do YOU want to know?

What should we film next in our Temple Mount tour video playlist?