Zachi Dvira: How Did We Get Here?
A look into the life of director Zachi Dvira

Amazing News from the TMSP!
Thanks Everyone!

TMSP Terracotta Figurines in the Ira and Ingeborg Rennert Conference of New Studies of Jerusalem
TMSP figurine assemblage may be related to a Judahite rejection of outside influences during the Iron Age II, which found it greatest manifestation in the cultic and national center on the Temple Mount.

Making Seal Impressions
How we made the seal impressions from our 10th century BCE stamp seal

Peretz Reuven: Islamic History Recorded
Staff Spotlight hits Peretz Reuven, expert in Early and Late Islamic Cultural Heritage

Nuba Inscription Identifies Dome of the Rock with Jewish Temple
Ancient Arabic inscription bears witness to the fact that the Dome of the Rock structure was originally named 'Bayt al Maqdis' referring to "The Holy Temple."

The Israel Experience
MASA interns Renata and Hannah help the Temple Mount Sifting Project in the lab with PR and Research.

Jennifer Greene: Staff Spotlight: September
I love writing the Staff Spotlight segments because I get to share with you the wonderful people I get to work with every day. Also dice and Jerusalem archaeology!

Hillel Richman: Just a Slice of Humble Pie
Pottery researcher Hillel Richman studies Iron Age and First Temple pottery and loves rare finds. Staff spotlight of the month.

Violence on the Temple Mount
This is going to be a very disturbing post about an incident that happened two days ago. A group of our researchers was attacked by officials while on an archaeological learning tour of the Temple Mount.

Beverly Ungar: Archaeology – A Lifetime of Love
“This is a perfectly wonderful, normal, regular stone. Well done!” Have you seen one of our green-shirted staff members patiently teaching one of our youngest volunteers? This was probably Beverly.

Aaron Greener: It Figures: TMSP Staff are Experts in their Field
Aaron Greener has been part of the Temple Mount Sifting Project (TMSP) staff since the project's inception. He has held various positions over the years, but you may remember him as site archaeologist and guide, or fantastic lecturer.