Yeshurun schoolgirls sifting
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Our New Mobile Sifting Program

The Mount Comes to You Hello everyone, we have some news to share with you. The Temple Mount Sifting Project is renewing its activity outside the lab! For the first time in the history of archaeological research in Israel –the site will be…
Gaby Barkai head photo

Send Us Your Pictures

Hello everyone! Do you have pictures from your visit to the sifting site or the research lab? Cute pictures of your kids, awesome pictures of you holding what you found, great pictures of you smiling with Dr. Barkay? Well, we want them! We…
group visit to the lab

Better Than A Museum

Visit Us! Come visit us in our research lab! We miss you! For our supporters, we are offering tours of our research laboratory where you can see all of our special finds and learn about them from one of our expert archaeologists. It is one…
Original maror leaves with First Temple pot rim overlay

A Day in the Life: Passover

Dear Diary, After a long trek, we finally made it to Jerusalem in time for Passover. There were streams of people on the roads and there is a festive feeling in the air. It is always an exciting time to come into Jerusalem. I can see the…
Frankie holding her reassembled Opus Sectile

International Women’s Day 2018

Girl Power at the Sifting Project! Today is International Women’s Day and I want to gloat about the amazing women working for the Temple Mount Sifting Project. We really have a special workplace because we have such a high percentage of…
IAA photo of the exposed Temple beams
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New Year for the Trees, New Life for Ancient Forgotten Beams

Happy Tu B’Shevat! Today is the Jewish new year for the trees which is celebrated annually on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat. Customs vary, but many Jews will eat a new fruit they haven’t tried before or eat one (or all!) of…
Mycenean painted potttery sherd

Mycenaean Imports Early in Jerusalem’s History

Our "Finds from the Lab" feature from our July Newsletter. Sign up now!
Dumped Temple Mount soil

ISIS-Style Destruction of Antiquities, Right Here in Israel

A week and a half ago, our staff had a fun day. As archaeologists, we obviously decided to go visit some archaeological sites, but we had no idea what we were about to see. One of our stops on our trip was at the site of Archelais, which is…
"Facebook top 10" icon

Top 10 Topics from 5777

The Top 10 Topics YOU liked on our Facebook page. Finds, Videos, and More! Looking back on a great year.
Group photo at Temple Mount

So a Congressman, a Senator, and an Archaeologist walk onto the Temple Mount…

Dr. Barkay gives Temple Mount tour to US politicians: on video.
Buckle with Fleur de Lys

Our (Virtual) Cabinet of Curiosities

Check out our newest "unidentified finds" and see if you can help!
Gaby Barkai head photo

What do YOU want to know?

What should we film next in our Temple Mount tour video playlist?