group visit to the lab

Better Than A Museum

Visit Us! Come visit us in our research lab! We miss you! For our supporters, we are offering tours of our research laboratory where you can see all of our special finds and learn about them from one of our expert archaeologists. It is one…
Dumped Temple Mount soil

ISIS-Style Destruction of Antiquities, Right Here in Israel

A week and a half ago, our staff had a fun day. As archaeologists, we obviously decided to go visit some archaeological sites, but we had no idea what we were about to see. One of our stops on our trip was at the site of Archelais, which is…
"Facebook top 10" icon

Top 10 Topics from 5777

The Top 10 Topics YOU liked on our Facebook page. Finds, Videos, and More! Looking back on a great year.
Gaby Barkai head photo

What do YOU want to know?

What should we film next in our Temple Mount tour video playlist?
Zachi giving a tour near the Temple Mount

Virtual Tour of the Temple Mount

We are working to put our a full virtual tour of the Temple Mount as a YouTube playlist on our channel. Follow Sifting Project!
"Thank You!" with group photo of the staff at the lab in the background

Reaching Our Goal!

Shalom to all of our supporters,    We did it! Despite the difficulties and obstacles, we managed to exceed our first target and raise over NIS 250,000! Our deep and heartfelt thanks go out to the 889 backers who immediately came…
staff sifting in the TMSP

Critical Time for the Temple Mount Sifting Project – You Can Make a Real Difference

Shalom Friends, I may have asked you before to support the Temple Mount Sifting Project, and I don’t feel so comfortable asking it again, but I do so because this time it is really critical and the success of the campaign is likely to lead…
Meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu

In Response to the Prime Minister

Press Release: A solution has still not been found for resuming the sifting of the Temple Mount soil Representatives from the Prime Minister’s office have contacted us, the directors of the Temple Mount Sifting Project in order to assess the…
Dumped Temple Mount soil

Is this the End of the Sifting Project?

To all of our friends and supporters, We have an important announcement to make. We want to make our official announcement that the sifting of material from the Temple Mount has stopped. This is due to a number of different reasons including…
bone playing piece
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Find of the Month: It’s All Fun and Games! – Bar Yosef Family

Family finds bone astragolos from the game knucklebones at the Sifting Project! Find of the Month!
enigmatic ball-shaped find

Name That Find: Answer!

Last week, we asked all of our followers on the blog, on Facebook, and Twitter to Name That Find! We got a lot of really great and creative answers, but we managed to stump everyone (including some of our own staff members)! Thank you all for…
Herod's quilt

Inspiring Supporters

BAR reader makes quilt from Temple Mount floor patterns reconstructed by the Sifting Project