TMSP annual appeal

Annual Appeal

It's here! We have officially launched our new crowdfunding campaign! Check out the details.
John and the column fragment

Find of the Month: A Fragment from a Crusader Capital – John Walker & Timothy Ressler

Crusader period column fragment found by volunteer. Video of the layout of the Temple Mount during the Crusader period.
assorted beads in a row


Research on glass Rings and Bracelets from the Temple Mount Sifting Project. We're bejeweled!
Peretz Reuven
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Peretz Reuven: Islamic History Recorded

Staff Spotlight hits Peretz Reuven, expert in Early and Late Islamic Cultural Heritage
Figurine fragment or Naya Korshaya

Find of the Month: Figurine Fragment – Or & Naya Korshaya

Two sisters found the leg of an Iron Age figurine at the Temple Mount Sifting Project.
Arabic wall inscription
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Nuba Inscription Identifies Dome of the Rock with Jewish Temple

Ancient Arabic inscription bears witness to the fact that the Dome of the Rock structure was originally named 'Bayt al Maqdis' referring to "The Holy Temple."
The Second Temple model at the Israel Museum
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Archaeological Evidence of the Jewish Temples on the Temple Mount

Historical sources and selected artifacts given to show proof of the First and Second Jewish Temples on the Temple Mount. Jews and Christians have a real and documented relationship to the Temple Mount.
Fourth year of revolt coin with chalice emblem

Symbols of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)

Found by Sifting Project: Coin from First Revolt (69/70), the last year of the Temple shows lulav and etrog: symbols of Sukkot.
Dome of the Rock on Mother-of-Pearl Inlay

Find of the Month: Dome of The Rock Inlay on Pearl – Hadassa Amiri

Mother of Pearl with engraving of the Dome of the Rock found by a volunteer at the Temple Mount Sifting Project.
Jennifer with mosaic stones in a bucket
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Jennifer Greene: Staff Spotlight: September

I love writing the Staff Spotlight segments because I get to share with you the wonderful people I get to work with every day. Also dice and Jerusalem archaeology!
Frankie holding an opus sectile she reconstructed
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What a week!

What a week! Second Temple Floors explained at conferences in Jerusalem. Links to video and more info.
cross found in the sifting

Holy Cross Day

Sharing some of the crosses found by the Sifting Project that originated from the Temple Mount.