Find of the Month: Mother of Pearl Bead and Inlay – Eitan & Amichai Strik
Two brothers find a mother of pearl bead and inlay. Mother of pearl pictures and history. What's it doing on the Temple Mount?

Hillel Richman: Just a Slice of Humble Pie
Pottery researcher Hillel Richman studies Iron Age and First Temple pottery and loves rare finds. Staff spotlight of the month.

News from the Sifting Site
Updating the facility, every day we make the site more fun and beautiful. New coin minting with video!

Find of the Month: Bone Spindle Whorl – Liliana Gorbman
9 year-old Liliana Grobman finds Byzantine spindle whorl at Temple Mount Sifting Project.

Violence on the Temple Mount
This is going to be a very disturbing post about an incident that happened two days ago. A group of our researchers was attacked by officials while on an archaeological learning tour of the Temple Mount.

What is this?
Join our Unidentified Finds website and help us research special items.

Beverly Ungar: Archaeology – A Lifetime of Love
“This is a perfectly wonderful, normal, regular stone. Well done!” Have you seen one of our green-shirted staff members patiently teaching one of our youngest volunteers? This was probably Beverly.

Isn’t it nice to feel validated?
New images from the Dome of the Rock after renovations validate research. Crusader floors and patterns still in use today!

Aaron Greener: It Figures: TMSP Staff are Experts in their Field
Aaron Greener has been part of the Temple Mount Sifting Project (TMSP) staff since the project's inception. He has held various positions over the years, but you may remember him as site archaeologist and guide, or fantastic lecturer.

Update from the Field
Could it have been used by the Knights Templar?

Noa Nevo – National Service Doing the World a Service
Staff Spotlight: May
Have you met Noa?
Noa is our Bat Sherut this year at our sifting site in Emek Tzurim National Park, meaning that she is doing her National Service by working with our project. She is a very meticulous and focused sifter,…

Rare Egyptian Amulet Bearing Name of Ancient Pharaoh Found in Earth Discarded from Temple Mount
As the Jewish holiday of Passover quickly approaches, we have has released new information about an amazing find: an amulet bearing the name of Egyptian King Thutmose III. Our story is being shared by news agencies across the world including…