Hands sifting over a sifting net
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Beverly Ungar: Archaeology – A Lifetime of Love

“This is a perfectly wonderful, normal, regular stone. Well done!” Have you seen one of our green-shirted staff members patiently teaching one of our youngest volunteers? This was probably Beverly.
Aaron Greener
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Aaron Greener: It Figures: TMSP Staff are Experts in their Field

Aaron Greener has been part of the Temple Mount Sifting Project (TMSP) staff since the project's inception. He has held various positions over the years, but you may remember him as site archaeologist and guide, or fantastic lecturer.
rusty arrow head with ruler measuring 5cm

Update from the Field

Could it have been used by the Knights Templar?
Noa Nevo
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Noa Nevo – National Service Doing the World a Service

Staff Spotlight: May Have you met Noa? Noa is our Bat Sherut this year at our sifting site in Emek Tzurim National Park, meaning that she is doing her National Service by working with our project. She is a very meticulous and focused sifter,…
Egyptian amulet
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Rare Egyptian Amulet Bearing Name of Ancient Pharaoh Found in Earth Discarded from Temple Mount

As the Jewish holiday of Passover quickly approaches, we have has released new information about an amazing find: an amulet bearing the name of Egyptian King Thutmose III. Our story is being shared by news agencies across the world including…
Haaretz heading - Uncovering Jerusalems History in the Rubble of Temple Mount

Recent Appearances in the Media and More Responses to NY Times Temple Denial Article

The 10th century BCE Seal and additional finds dating to this period have received wide coverage in the media. First the Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel and Ynet published the story, and it was then picked up by many other websites. In particular…
Nuba Arabic inscription on wall

Translators to Arabic and Korean

In about two weeks we are going to launch a new crowd funding website to support the research and publication of the more than half a million archaeological finds from the Temple Mount that we have uncovered so far. In addition to the funding…
Gabi Barkai and Zachi Dvira checking artifacts on-site

Speaking Engagements in Our Upcoming tour to the U.S.A.

We would appreciate it very much if any of you could mediate us with communities in the U.S. that would like to invite us to speak about our the Temple Mount Sifting Project in our upcoming tour to the U.S. You may use the information below: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archaeologists…
Snapshot of the Half-Shekel web site

Searching for Volunteers to Translate text into Variety of Languages

We are searching for volunteers for translating English text into a variety of language, for a new crowd funding website. Its about 4000 words. More languages the website will be available in, the wider international awareness to the project…
Jewlry finds from the sifting
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Update on Recent Developments at the Sifting Project

The number of visitors/volunteers at the Sifting Project has been increasing year by year and also the volume of the material that has been sifted. To date we have sifted about half of the debris that is on hand. This means that we have at least…
Temple Mount Sifting Project logo

Response to Article in Times of Israel

Last Friday, an article was published in the Times of Israel, a news site popular among American Jews. We were saddened to see that even though we spent a great deal of effort informing the reporter, Ilan Ben Zion, about the significance…
Many hands sifting together

The End of the Sifting for the Prevalent Finds

Three weeks ago we finished sifting the soil from area KI4, and in the coming days we will be finishing the preliminary sorting and registering of the finds from this area. Finishing the sifting of this area was very meaningful because it…